ICMA Research Seminar: Henley-wide Seminar
Henley Business School, Room G15 Whiteknights Campus, ReadingICMA Research Seminar Henley-wide Seminar
ICMA Research Seminar Henley-wide Seminar
Economics External Seminar Pietro Biroli
Soil Biogeochemistry Group Seminar Understanding the plant root uptake of -1,2,4-Triazole Ben Jones
Real Estate & Planning Research Seminar Henley Business School Wide Seminar
We are delighted to confirm attendance of internationally renowned film director Fernando Meirelles (City of God, The Constant Gardener, Blindness) at the University of Reading. The programme includes an exclusive screening of...Read More >
LOB Research Seminar Identity work or play: how female ‘trailing spouses’ construct alternative work-related identity abroad Dr Tatiana Rowson
Institute of Education Research Programme Dr Naomi Flynn – 'Teachers’ successful practices for multilingual learners (MLLs) in the UK and the US: similarities' Prof Alan Floyd – 'Differences and Multi-Academy...Read More >
Meteorology External Seminar Through the Looking Glass: Cloud processes at the intersection of Climate Forcing and Feedback Andrew Gettelman NCAR
Economics External Seminar Philip Wales
School of Biological Sciences Seminar TBC