Chemistry Seminar – Dr Serena Corr

Lecture Theatre G, Chemistry Whiteknights Campus

"Probing structure and dynamics of (nano)materials for battery applications"   Dr Serena Corr, University of Glasgow

Chemistry Seminar – Dr Kirsty Penkman

Lecture Theatre G, Chemistry Whiteknights Campus

"Through the looking glass, and what amino acids found there" Dr Kirsty Penkman, University of York, RSC Joseph Black Award Winner

Chemistry Seminar – Prof Vincent Rotello

Lecture Theatre G, Chemistry Whiteknights Campus

"Interfacing Nanomaterials with Biology: From CRISPR to  Antimicrobials"  Prof Vincent Rotello, University of Massachusetts Amherst, RSC Bioorganic Chemistry Award Winner

Presentation by Fraunhofer Institute

Lecture Theatre G, Chemistry Whiteknights Campus

On Wednesday the 5th of April two senior people from the Fraunhofer Research Organisation in Germany will visit us, more specifically from the Institute of Molecular Biology and Applied Biology...Read More >

Chemistry Seminar: Proteomics

Chemistry LTG Whiteknights Campus, Reading

Guest speaker - Professor Kathryn Lilley, BSPR Lecturer, from Cambridge University Refreshements at 15.30pm in Chemistry foyer, followed by seminar at 15.45pm in Chemistry LTG “Proteomics: design, quantitation and application...Read More >