Climate Justice: can fairness create a green future?

Minghella Studios Minghella Building, Whiteknights Campus

It isn’t just polar bears being affected by climate change – people all over the world are already being negatively affected by changes to the climate, from droughts, flooding, and...Read More >

LMS/IMA Joint Meeting – Mathematics of Planet Earth

Meadow Suite, Park House Meadow Suite, Park House

The University of Reading is hosting the LMA-IMA (London Mathematics Society and Institute of Mathematics and its Applications) Joint Meeting, this year themed on the Mathematics of Planet Earth. Further...Read More >

What really happened at COP25?

Chancellor's Building G05 Whiteknights Campus, Reading

The Walker Institute invites you to their annual COP debrief “What really happened at COP25” which is taking place on Thursday 23 January, 13:00 – 15:00, Chancellors G05. Our panelists...Read More >