Professor Elizabeth Robinson, whose research contributes to The Lancet Countdown, explores how actions that individuals and governments can take to improve our health can also help to curb climate change.
climate change
Going entirely organic could mean food emissions up 70% in England and Wales
Most of us would assume that organic food has a lower environmental impact than conventional food – but it’s a bit more complicated than that, says Professor Tom Oliver in…Read More >
To fight climate change, science must be mobilised like it was in World War II
Just as in wartime, our prosperity, wellbeing and the future of our children are under severe threat from the climate crisis. What is needed is a vast mobilisation of scientific…Read More >
Children challenging world leaders for inaction on climate change won’t win, but they will put the spotlight on climate justice
Greta Thunberg and 15 other children are legally challenging world leaders for violating their children’s rights by failing to act on climate change. Sarah Harrop sat down with Human Rights Law…Read More >
Climate change: turning up the heat on our health
We all know that climate change is harming the planet – but what about us? Sarah Harrop reports on a recent public lecture by economist Professor Liz Robinson, in which…Read More >
Work less to save the planet? How to make sure a four-day week actually cuts emissions
There are clear health and environmental benefits to working a four-day week, but robotics, artificial intelligence and investments in less carbon intensive infrastructure would be needed to make it work…Read More >
#ShowYourStripes: how climate data became a cultural icon
Climate strikes aside, one way that scientists can trigger a step change in attitudes to climate change is by infiltrating popular culture, says Professor Ed Hawkins in a new piece…Read More >
Poles apart: taking UK climate science to The Arctic
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet and people living in its coastal regions face a real threat of their homes and way of…Read More >
How our animal research is working on the biggest problems – from heart disease to climate change
This week we’re highlighting the animal research work we do at the University of Reading, following last week’s release of national figures on the number of animals used in research…Read More >
Heatwave ‘completely obliterated’ the record for Europe’s hottest ever June
The recent heatwave in Europe was the hottest June the world has ever recorded – and we can expect such events to become more common. We must provide more accurate…Read More >