Last term saw the return of the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences (SPCLS) Dragon’s Den event where Early Career Researchers (ECRs) pitch collaborative research ideas to a panel…Read More >
How can we minimise side effects but keep the benefits of drugs?
Since the field of pharmaceutical sciences emerged in the 19th century, it has been necessary to develop new medications to treat diseases effectively with few or even no side effects….Read More >
Female CFOs, leverage and the moderating role of board diversity and CEO power
Do female managers take on less risk in the firms they manage and under which conditions does gender affect corporate financing choices? These are two of the questions that I…Read More >
Sharp and Unsharp measurement in Quantum Mechanics
In the classical formulation of Quantum Mechanics, called Quantum Sharp Measurement, it is assumed that physical measurements are always sharp. In other words, we assume that our apparatus used in…Read More >