A young child sat on her mother's lap working on a task on a laptop.

What is this project about?

Speech sound disorders (SSD) are common in childhood and are associated with poorer academic outcomes. The existing evidence base for intervention for these disorders indicates a high intensity. Research carried out with speech and language therapists (SLTs) indicates that this is not possible for them to deliver therapy at this level of intensity.  One of the ways in which SLTs bridge this gap between the research evidence and possible clinical practice is to work with parents to enable them to work with their children at home. This project aims to:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of how SLTs are currently supporting parents to carry out intervention for children with SSD.
  • To find out how parents and SLTs perceive and experience collaborative working with children with SSD.
  • To work together with therapists and parents to co-create a toolkit to support SLTs in their collaborations with parents.

Who is involved?

This is a collaboration between Katherine Pritchard, Emma Pagnamenta, Vesna Stojanovik (University of Reading) and Jill Titterington (Ulster University).

Contact: Katherine Pritchard katherine.pritchard@pgr.reading.ac.uk.

Lead contact

Katherine Pritchard at k.a.pritchard@reading.ac.uk.