Date: 11th January 2024
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 
Location: Online

Summary of Pete’s talk

Part of good inclusion is ensuring that people have what they need to be able to function well, and to feel comfortable in their environment.  Pete will start by talking a little about what we know about the importance of sensory comfort to autistic wellbeing.  He will then go on to explore the various ways we can achieve sensory comfort, as autistic individuals and in organisations, and will offer the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the topic.

About Pete Wharmby [Autistic speaker, writer, tutor and parent]
“I am an autistic speaker, writer, tutor and parent, who is working to improve autism acceptance in society by sharing insights and experiences of autism to the widest possible audience. I have spoken at many conferences and events, often as the keynote speaker, on topics such as autism in education, the experience of autistic students and teachers, the importance of monotropism and special interests and much more.”

The Centre for Autism Wellbeing Hub

The Wellbeing Hub is a new initiative, funded by University of Reading Alumni. The aim of the Hub is to bring together autistic people, their families, practitioners and researchers to co-produce and deliver neurodiversity-affirming activities that support autistic young people and their families to thrive and flourish.

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