The SIG is an opportunity for professionals who work with autistic children and young people to come together in person to network with other local professionals, share their understanding of neuro-diversity affirming approaches and hear talks from practitioners and academics working across health, education and social care. We plan to run them on a termly basis. Tea and coffee will be provided.  

All welcome.  

Date: Wednesday 21st February, 4-6 p.m.

Venue: Room G79, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, Early Gate, University of Reading.  Satnav Postcode RG6 7BE 

For University of Reading Whiteknight campus map, please click link campus map

Parking: Parking is available near the building and permits will be arranged

Speaker: Mairi Evans, Director – Children, Family and All-Age Services and Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust Neurodiversity Lead 

Title: This is a big ship – it takes a while to turn it around. Culture shifts in organisation – developing a neurodiversity strategy to change practice narratives and promote neuro-inclusivity  

In the meantime, please email us if we can offer any further assistance: