Cracking the pitch code in music and language: Insights from congenital amusia and autism spectrum disorders
ERC-2015-StG-678733-CAASD, 2016-2022, European Research Council, €1,488,814
Our CAASD project aims to investigate the underlying mechanisms of pitch processing in language and music through comparative studies of two neurodevelopmental conditions: congenital amusia (CA) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The two conditions demonstrate intriguing differences in music, language, emotion, pitch, memory, and cognitive processing that provide us with a unique opportunity to examine the underlying mechanisms of music and language processing.
In particular, our project aims at constructing a unified account of pitch processing in music and language through systematic studies of the behavioural and neural bases of musical, linguistic, and emotional pitch processing in Mandarin-speaking individuals with and without CA and ASD, in comparison with English-speaking individuals with and without CA/ASD.
We will address the following three specific aims using behavioural, electroencephalography (EEG), and neuro-cognitive methods.