Dr Bolchi is a tenure-track researcher at the University of Ferrara, Italy, and from 2019 to 2021, she was a Marie-Curie Research Fellow at the at the Department of Languages and Cultures of the University of Reading, where she carried out the project ‘Virginia Woolf and Italian Readers’ under the supervision of Prof Daniela La Penna and Dr Nicola Wilson.

She is a founding member and vice-president of the Italian Virginia Woolf Society and before starting her Marie Curie Fellowship, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca) in English Literature at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan (2013-2019).

Her main research interest is the Italian reception of Anglophone modernist authors, with a special focus on the reception of Virginia Woolf in Italy. Her research is strongly interdisciplinary and covers different disciplines and approaches such as literary studies, archival studies, translation studies, publishing history and digital humanities.

Dr Bolchi also explores the influence and legacy of modernism in contemporary authors such as Jeanette Winterson, Ian McEwan, and Ali Smith. Research on Jeanette Winterson and Ian McEwan also led her to develop an interest in ecocriticism and literary ecology, with a specific attention to climate change fiction. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the international PhD programme in Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing.