Software and Data Outputs
- Vandaele, Remy, Dance, Sarah L. and Ojha, Varun (2021): Deep learning for the estimation of water-levels using river cameras: networks and datasets. University of Reading. Dataset. doi: 10.17864/1947.282
- Vetra-Carvalho, Sanita; Dance, Sarah L.; Mason, David ; Waller, Joanne; Smith, Polly; Tabeart, Jemima; Cooper, Elizabeth (2020), “River water level height measurements obtained from river cameras near Tewkesbury”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/769cyvdznp.1
- Hu, Guannan and Dance, Sarah (2021): MATLAB code for the localized Singular Value Decomposition approach of the Fast Multipole Method (the local SVD-FMM). University of Reading. Software.
- Kent, Thomas; Bokhove, Onno (2020) Hydraulic modelling and data assimilation for Wetropolis