The University of Reading Gender and Empowerment Reading Group met recently at the University’s Institute of Education (IoE) for a lively discussion of an article by Nelly Stromquist (2015), entitled: Women’s Empowerment and Education: Linking knowledge to transformative action. The article examines empowerment as a theory of social change and addresses the realities of women in both developing and developed countries. There was an interesting exchange of ideas about the different types of empowerment explored in the article, such as economic empowerment political empowerment, which members of the group contrasted with their own lived experience and that of women in developed and developing countries around the world.

The next meeting of the group is on Thursday 22 November 2018 from 11am to 12 noon at the London Road Campus, Building L22, Room 108.

The reading for that meeting is: Cutting-Gray, J. (1993). Hannah Arendt, feminism, and the politics of alterity: “What will we Lose if we win?” Hypatia, 8(1), 35-54. 


All staff and students are welcome. No expert knowledge of gender/empowerment is required, just an enthusiastic interest!

For further information, please contact Dr. Karen Jones.