Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading) was an invited speaker at the University of Exeter’s inaugural ‘Transformative Education Seminar Series’ (1st February 2022).
Dr Wong’s presentation was entitled, ‘Using qualitative research to understand awarding gaps’, where he talked about the importance of qualitative data in our understanding of the awarding gaps in higher education. He discussed two of his recent projects, ‘Student Experiences in STEM’ (SESTEM, funded by the University of Reading) and ‘Supporting the Identity Development of Underrepresented Student’ (SIDUS, funded by Imperial College London).
Billy was appointed as University of Exeter’s first ever Principal External Examiner, providing external assurance and scrutiny for their university’s degree outcomes and annual Degree Outcomes Statement, which includes reporting on degree awarding gaps and the work to address them. The role began in November 2021, and will last for three academic years.
For more information on Dr. Wong’s research, visit his staff profile page here. You can also follow him on Twitter here.