Carl Singleton, member of the Football Research Group, has his latest research on the football labour market published in Industrial Relations. This was joint work with The University of Edinburgh’s…Read More >
Football labour market
New Journal Article: “Do High Wage Footballers Play for High Wage Teams? The Case of Major League Soccer”
Carl Singleton, member of the Football Research Group, has his latest research on the football labour market published in International Journal of Sport Finance. This was joint work with The…Read More >
New Book Chapter: European football after COVID-19
The Football Research Group has just produced its latest research paper, through members Prof James Reade & Dr Carl Singleton. It has been published as a chapter in “A new…Read More >
New Working Paper: Extreme wages, performance and superstars in a market for footballers
The Football Research Group has just produced its latest research paper from one of its projects, through member Dr Carl Singleton. It has been published as a working paper in…Read More >