Intermidia Conference II – Keynote Speech – Ismail Xavier – A Study of Santoscópio = Dumontagem

Xavier’s lecture consists of a reading of Carlos Adriano’s Santoscópio=Dumontagem, a video-art project based on a study of found footage films made by American avant-garde artists from the 1960s and 1970s, in particular Ken Jacobs. Drawing on an intermedial approach, Xavier’s purpose here is to discuss the ways in which Adriano’s work establishes a dialogue between a nineteenth-century ‘philosophical toy’ and contemporary digital technology. Using Thomas Elsaesser’s suggestive expression, one could say that this is an example of ‘Media Archaeology in practice’. As part of the AHRC/FAPESP-funded IntermIdia Project (, led by investigators from the University of Reading (UoR), UK, and the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil, this international conference seeks to invite discussion of intermediality as a historiographic method.