Our team

UoR PI Lúcia Nagib
Nagib is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the project as a whole. Nagib has a long track- record in intermedial and intercultural film research, as well as in world cinema studies, having published one authored and three edited books on these subjects. For full profile, see here.

UoR Co-I Lisa Purse
A leading scholar on the phenomenology of the film experience, popular genre cinema and film in the digital era, Purse will pursue research on the Hollywood origin of the movie prologues and other American influences on the Brazilian industrial production of the 1940s-60s. For full profile, see here.

UoR Co-I John Gibbs
Gibbs will draw on his expertise in American film traditions in order to conduct research on their dialogue with Brazilian currents throughout history, including their particular contribution to intermedial developments such as the movie prologues and the industrial production of the 1940-60s. Drawing on his theatrical experience, he will oversee the re-enactment of the prologues at UoR. For full profile, see here.

UFSCAR Co-I Suzana Reck Miranda
Reck Miranda is an active researcher in film music and film sound in world cinema and Brazilian cinema in particular. She will conduct research on the intermedial relations of the Brazilian industrial production of the 1940s-60s. For full profile

UFSCar PI Luciana Araújo
Araújo is the lead researcher on the Brazilian side. Araújo is a renowned historiographer of Brazilian cinema, with long experience in archival research on Brazilian silent cinema and its critical reception. Her works on Brazilian cinema history and film criticism include two authored books and three edited books, as well as several articles and book chapters.

UFSCAR Co-I Flávia Cesarino Costa
Cesarino Costa is a prolific writer on the historiography of early cinema and is currently working on Brazilian industrial film production, focusing on intermediality, gender and national identity issues. She will conduct research on the intermedial relations of the Brazilian industrial production of the 1940s-60s.

UFSCar PDRA Margarida Maria Adamatti
Adamatti’s research interests concern Brazilian film criticism and star system at the frontier between journalism and cinema. Within the IntermIdia project she will devote particular attention to the film O Ébrio, directed by Gilda de Abreu in 1946.

UoR PDRA Albert Elduque Busquets
Elduque willinvestigate Brazilian music biopics and documentaries which have been flooding Brazilian and foreign screens, boosted by governmental support through fiscal incentive and funding awards. The aim will be to explore this theme through a historical perspective that foregrounds the central importance of music in Brazilian cinema and arts. For full profile, see here.

UFSCar Co-I Samuel Paiva
Paiva is an expert in Recife film production, Tropicália and road movies. His work on Brazilian cinema has an intercultural approach focusing on transnational and intermedial perspectives within film genres. He will be the main researcher of the ‘árido movie’ and ‘mague beat’ movements. For full profile
UoR Co-I Alison Butler
With her specialism in intermedial and experimental cinema, Butler will conduct research on how multimedia, live performances and installations in Brazilian film history (in particular the Tropicália movement) compare with similar international phenomena. For full profile, see here.

UoR PDRA Tamara Courage
With her expertise on contemporary Chinese independent cinema, Courage will seek to expand on intermediality beyond the project’s focus on Brazil. Her research will explore how intermediality in Chinese independent cinema emphasises an intentional strategy that highlights questions regarding marginalised citizens in China who have been impacted by unprecedented transformations since the death of Communist leader Mao Zedong. For full profile, see here.

UoR Project Administrator Richard McKay
McKay oversees the IntermIdia website, the production and collation of visual and web content for the project, as well as the day-to-day running of finances and event organisation.

Former Staff: UoR PDRA Stefan Solomon
Solomon investigated Tropicália in film practices, and curated the Tropicália Film Season at Tate Modern (London). For full profile, see here.