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Department of Meteorology – University of Reading

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    Apply for a Research Fellowship

Meteorology Fellowships Open Day

Meteorology Fellowships Open Day: 7th May 2025

The University of Reading Meteorology Department is holding an open day for prospective fellowship applicants on Wednesday 7th May

The open day will include:

  • Talks from senior faculty on the advantages of choosing the University of Reading to host your fellowship.
  • Talks from recent fellowship holders in the Meteorology Department, in which they will share their experiences of holding a fellowship here.
  • Talks from a Research Development Manager within Research Services, who will outline the support offered to applicants as they prepare their applications, as well as our new university-wide position on permanent positions for fellowship holders.
  • A dedicated Q&A session.

Whether you are interested in applying for a NERC IRF, a Royal Society URF, STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship, Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship or similar, this is your chance to explore your options and find out more about being a fellowship-holder at Reading.


All talks will be in room HP175.  Lunch will be in HP176.

10:00: Arrival with tea/coffee/water/biscuits available (HP175).

10:30: Introduction to Reading’s Environment Theme (Sue Gray).  RECORDED & STREAMED.

10:45: Introduction to Meteorology Department (David Brayshaw).  RECORDED & STREAMED.

11:00: Introduction to Research Divisions (Danny Feltham, Matt Owens, Paul Williams and Shovonlal Roy) RECORDED & STREAMED.

11:30: Walking tour of Department followed by tea/coffee/water/biscuits (HP175).

12:00: Personal experiences of Fellows in Meteorology at Reading.  STREAMED:

Andrea Dittus “Applying for a NERC Independent Research Fellowship: my experience and things I wish I’d known”;

Luke Barnard “Anecdotes on the challenges of getting a research fellowship”;

Kieran Hunt “How I didn’t get, didn’t quite get, then got my NERC Independent Research Fellowship”;

Claire Ryder “Reflections on a Reading fellowship and IRF interview panel”.

13:00: Networking Lunch (room HP176).  IN-PERSON & ONLINE.

14:00: Supporting you with your Fellowship (RES – led by Daniel Williamson).  RECORDED & STREAMED.

14:45: Q&A session (involving all presenters). STREAMED.

15:15: Closing remarks (John Methven). STREAMED.

15:20: Informal networking session with tea/coffee (another chance to discuss ideas and raise questions 1:1). IN-PERSON & ONLINE 1:1s.

16:00: End.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided, and reasonable domestic UK travel costs will be reimbursed.

The open day will take place in person at University of Reading, Harry Pitt Building, 10:00 to 16:00, but attendees will be able to join remotely if preferred.

The open day is for both external applicants who are currently at another institution, as well as internal applicants who are already at Reading.

If you wish to attend this event please, email Nicki Robinson at by Wednesday 16th April with your completed Attendance Form which can be downloaded by clicking on this link: Fellows’ Day Attendance Form


Contact us

Visit the Department:
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
Brian Hoskins Building
Whiteknights Road
Earley Gate
Berks RG6 6ET

Please use the Satnav postcode RG6 7BE for the Earley Gate entrance.

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