Books from the Department of Meteorology
Meteorology at Reading: The first 40 years
Edited and compiled by Jackie Hoskins
The book celebrates the history of the Department of Meteorology through a series of recollections about Meteorology at Reading to mark our 40th anniversary in 2005/2006.
Contents Introduction * Staff Recollections of the Department * Some Departmental research projects * Student recollections of the Department * A selection of other Departmental activities * Social activities * Appendix : Some facts and figures * Appendix 2: The ‘approved’ lyrics of the PV Song * Appendix 3: Citation for the 2005 Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education
ISBN: 0 7049 9860 2.
Published 2006 * A5 size * 136 pp * 30 photographs * 2 line illustrations * Indexed.
Available by post from the University of Reading, Department of Meteorology.
Price £5 + postage and packing (please use the order form).