Dr Katja Haeuser from Saarland University is delivering a seminar entitled: ‘The dark side of prediction: Pervasive false memories for nouns predicted but not seen.’
Abstract: An accumulating body of research has shown that predictability modulates online language processing, in that language users anticipate semantic features, and sometimes word forms, of upcoming linguistic material. In contrast, there is a shortage of studies addressing the longer-term memory consequences of having predictions confirmed or disconfirmed. In this talk, I will show how my work has helped inform research on the conditions that enable word form prediction during reading, and that promote learning following prediction error. In particular, I will highlight how psycholinguistic concepts can inform theories on memory consolidation and error-driven language learning. I will conclude with an outlook on my current research agenda that investigates memory illusions rooted in predictive processing from a lifespan perspective.
Join the online seminar on Microsoft Teams.