Reading Architecture Professor Lorraine Farrelly has spent the past month running ‘Your Place, Our Place’, a pop-up space for the local community to come together to shape the planning of…Read More >
Putting quality of life at the heart of planning
Britain’s urban planning system has its roots in the postwar period, designed for rapid regeneration of bombed out towns and cities rather than democratic development. As the government rethinks the…Read More >
Diverse funerary needs at a time of crisis: reflections on Covid-19 in multicultural Europe
As the Coronavirus lockdown continues, many UK Councils have decided to ban funeral ceremonies to observe social distancing rules, opting to carry out ‘direct cremations’ instead. Social and cultural geographer,…Read More >
A healthy partnership
#WeAreTogether: From dancing to prevent falls in older people to VR-based stroke rehab, patients in Berkshire are benefiting from a research partnership between the University and the NHS. Sarah Harrop…Read More >
How will football return after this unplanned hiatus?
As many of us fill the void in live sport by watching repeats of the FA Cup Quarter Finals, or dipping into documentaries on Maradona and Sunderland FC on streaming…Read More >
Coronavirus: are people with blood group A really at higher risk of catching COVID-19?
A recent study from China, which has not yet been peer reviewed, suggests a link between having blood group A and a higher risk of getting COVID-19, compared with people…Read More >
Why coronavirus lockdown rules will not be obeyed by everyone
Why do some people find it harder to observe social distancing measures than others? Professor Patricia Riddell from Psychology discusses how our beliefs and experiences shape our responses in a new…Read More >