What is this project about?
Our study is looking into the ways parents/carers and their children with speech, language and communication difficulties use different languages, and parent/carer beliefs about using one or more languages in the home. We are also interested in exploring any professional advice that families have received on the use of your languages with their child.
How to get involved
We are recruiting participants who:
- Are parent/carers of a child with speech, language and communication needs (no formal diagnosis required)
- Use more than one language in their family
- Live in the Oxford Road area of Reading
In this research you will be asked a series of questions by a trained researcher in a one-to-one interview. The interview will take place in a familiar venue to you and should take no longer than an hour. An interpreter may also be present if you prefer to carry out in the interview in another language.
You will receive a £20 voucher for taking part in the interview.
Who is involved?
This project is a collaboration between the University of Reading Speech and Language Therapy Clinic and the University of Reading Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism.
The study information sheet contains more information.
Lead contactDr Emma Pagnamenta at e.pagnamenta@reading.ac.uk. |