Our Project

The Talk Rich Teaching project is focused on raising the attainment of pupils with English as an additional language (EAL).

It focuses on a proven successful approach to teachers’ professional development called The Enduring Principles of Learning which describe elements of what good teachers do.

This talk-oriented pedagogy has been developed by Professor Annela Teemant of The School of Education, Indiana University, Indianapolis USA. Teaching in this way has been shown to raise the attainment of all learners, but particularly the attainment of pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) . Moreover, it champions pupils’ individual and community identities and enhances social well-being. Click here for The Enduring Principles of Learning

Project lead Dr Naomi Flynn has studied the use of The Enduring Principles of Learning (EPL) in the US since 2018. She spent three months in 2021 observing and interviewing teachers in schools which have received training associated with the EPL. Teachers’ practice is measured and scored using a rubric which sets out what teachers and children are doing when practice reflects the EPL.

For The Talk Rich Teaching project Naomi will adapt the content of the professional development to work in an English context. She will evaluate the impact of this professional development on the mindset and practice of teachers in primary schools where numbers of pupils with EAL are high. Aniqa Leena will be working alongside Naomi to test and examine the impact of the professional development on the pupils’ language and literacy development.

You can register your interest in future research using the EPL by sending an email to Naomi at n.flynn@reading.ac.uk