Work in Progress is the second phase of a successful partnership between the Department of Film, Theatre and Television, and South Street theatre in Reading. Together, we are working with six theatre companies or artists to support their development of new theatre work.
We have challenged each artist/company to bring to the project an idea they would like to make into a performance. We will work in consultation with the artists to build bespoke development packages for them that will include use of the facilities at both the University and South Street and a series of engagements between the artists, the wider Reading community, the student population and the research community.
The development packages support each project in diverse and innovative ways, weaving knowledge building, networking and audience development around artistic practice. In connecting the artists’ residencies in Reading better to the town’s people and infrastructure, South Street and the University seek to maximise the impact of hosting the artists in Reading. The primary aim for this project is of course to generate new work developed alongside participants from Reading, building audiences, connecting communities and developing a reputation between the institutions for Reading being a hub of play development activity. The aim is to nurture contemporary artistic practice in Reading for the present and future and to co-create and maintain strong ties with the wealth of diverse community groups in
Work in Progress Phase 1 established the partnership between the Department of Film, Theatre and Television and South Street, with six companies involved developing new work.
Companies we worked with:
The project feeds into Lucy Tyler’s research in play development.
Lucy’s forthcoming book
Lisa’s relevant publications
Lucy Tyler
John Luther
Lisa Woynarski
Associated with the project:
Miranda Laurence
Student contributors:
Conor Chamiec, Bethan Amey, Alice Underwood