Work Package six lead Dr Gehan Selim at the University of Leeds has finalized the Architectural Design proposed for the Faynan Museum outdoor space. The new design presents a creative methodology that includes observation of location, in depth interviews with communities’ leaders, meetings with schools, and basic identification of issues and potentials of the Faynan context. The project has collaborated with Dr Fatima Al-Nammari and students from the Faculty of Architecture of Petra University to co-design conceptual ideas for the Faynan Museum ‘play’ space’, hence facilitating emotional ownership with the Museum and its contested past. The design also strongly builds on phases of participatory design and analysis of the community perceptions, their Physical and social requirement, which supported setting a list of design guidelines to reach a unique and creative design for the outdoor museum space.

Gehan Selim is Associate Professor in Architecture & Urbanism at the University of Leeds.