The European Research Music Conference took place at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona from June 11th to the 13th 2018. It brought together a significant number of the projects…Read More >
New member to the group
Today Caitlin Dawson joins the group as a postdoctoral research assistant. Caitlin received her PhD in Psychology from the University of Helsinki where she studied the effects of native language and musical…Read More >
New member of the group
Today we welcomed Florence Leung to the group. Florence is a PhD student with a BSc in Psychology from the University of Bristol (2015) and an MSc in Development, Disorders…Read More >
Special event on Autism and Music
Today we hosted a Centre for Autism special event on Autism and Music at the Great Hall at the University of Reading. This free event aimed to bring together families/individuals with autism…Read More >
Funds for public event
We are pleased to announce we have received an award from the University of Reading’s Endowment Fund to host a public event for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families. …Read More >
Project Starts!
Following the award of an ERC starting grant we have, today, started our project “Cracking the pitch code in music and language: Insights from congenital amusia (CA) and autism spectrum…Read More >