Publications – Chris Hilson
Selected Publications – Chris Hilson
- ‘The impact of Brexit on the environment: exploring the dynamics of a complex relationship’, Transnational Environmental Law (2017, forthcoming).
- ‘The visibility of environmental rights in the EU legal order: eurolegalism in action?’, Journal of European Public Policy (2017).
- ‘Republican ecological citizenship in the 2015 Papal Encyclical on the environment and climate change’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (2017).
- ‘Environmental SLAPPs in the UK: threat or opportunity?’ Environmental Politics (2016).
- ‘Framing fracking: which frames are heard in English planning and environmental policy and practice?’ Journal of Environmental Law (2015).
- ‘Unconventional gas and statutory climate duties: their significance for planning law in the UK’, Journal of Planning and Environment Law (2014).
- ‘It’s all about climate change, stupid! Exploring the relationship between environmental law and climate law’, Journal of Environmental Law (2013).
- (co-authored with Lisa Vanhala), ‘Climate change litigation: symposium introduction’, Law and Policy (2013).
- ‘Common but differentiated responsibilities in EU climate change law: a case of double standards?’ In: Evans, M. and Koutrakos, P. (eds.), The international responsibility of the European Union: European and international perspectives (Hart 2013).
- ‘UK climate change litigation: between hard and soft framing’ In: Farrall, S., Ahmed, T. and French, D. (eds.), Criminological and legal consequences of climate change (Hart 2010).
- ‘Climate change litigation: an explanatory approach (or bringing grievance back in)’ In: Fracchia, F. and Occhiena, M. (eds.), Climate change: la riposta del diritto (Editoriale Scientifica, 2010).
- ‘Going local? EU law, localism and climate change’, European Law Review (2008).