Publications – Chuks Okereke
Selected Publications – Chuks Okereke
- Innovation for green industrialisation: an empirical assessment of innovation in Ethiopia’s cement, leather and textile sectors. (Co-authored) Journal of Cleaner Production, (2017)
- Why equity is fundamental in climate change policy research (Co-authored). Global Environmental Change, (2017)
- Climate justice and the international regime: before, during and after Paris. (Co-authored) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, (2016).
- Homegrown development in Africa: reality or illusion (Routledge Press: 2015).
- Environmental justice and conceptions of the green economy. International environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, (2015)
- Carbon governance, climate change and business transformation (Co-authored) (Routledge 2014)