Communication and Expertise
Current Work: Communication and Expertise
Seminar: ‘Reflections on Post-Science Climate Politics: A space for justice?’, Professor Mike Goodman.
Invited conference paper: Shepherd, T.G., ‘The scientific basis for attributing the effects of climate change’, Workshop on Climate Change and Energy after Paris, University of Cambridge, January 22, 2016.
Invited conference paper: Shepherd, T.G., ‘Communicating uncertainty in circulation aspects of climate change’, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 24-28, 2017.
Invited conference paper: Shepherd, T.G., ‘Storylines as a way of characterizing compound events’, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 24-28, 2017.
Publication: McKinnon, C., ‘Should We Tolerate Climate Denial?’, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 2016.
PhD student: Lydia Messling (Politics). Project: ‘How should climate change scientists engage in policy advocacy, if at all, when communicating with policy-makers and the lay public?’
PhD student: Dan Harris (Politics). Project: ‘Climate Change Denial: Free Speech and Forced Speech’.
Workshop: ‘Communicating Climate Change in Troubled Times’. Bringing together prominent climate scientists, social scientists, and climate ethicists, this workshop in 2017 explored how climate change researchers are to engage in effectively communicating climate change and its effects to policy-makers, and the wider public, in a time witnessing the declared ‘death of the expert’.