Recent Research
- McKinnon, C. (in press), ‘Sleepwalking into lock-in? Avoiding wrongs to future people in the governance of solar radiation management research’, Environmental Politics.
- Okereke, C. (in press), ‘A six component process for assessing procedural fairness in the IPCC’, Climatic Change.
- Hilson, C (2017), ‘Republican ecological citizenship in the 2015 Papal Encyclical on the environment and climate change’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
- Ceppi, P. and Shepherd, T. G. (2017) Contributions of climate feedbacks to changes in atmospheric circulation. Journal of Climate, 30 (22).
- McKinnon, C. (2016) Should we tolerate climate denial? Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 40 (1).
- McKinnon, C. (2015) Climate justice in a carbon budget. Climatic Change, 133 (3).
- McKinnon, C. (2014) Climate change: against despair. Ethics and the Environment, 19 (1).
- McKinnon, C. (2017). ‘Endangering humanity: an international crime?’, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 47 (2-3).