by Elizabeth Lewis, Geoff Parkin Tessa Gough, Newcastle University This DARE pilot project addresses the Digital Technology/Living with Environmental Change Interface by supporting communities at risk of flooding to utilise…Read More >
Merging SAR-derived flood footprints with flood hazard maps for improved urban flood mapping
Contributors: David Mason (University of Reading), John Bevington (JBA), Sarah Dance (University of Reading), Beatriz Revilla-Romero (JBA), Richard Smith (JBA), Sanita Vetra-Carvalho (University of Reading), Hannah Cloke (University of Reading)….Read More >
Controlling and mitigating urban flooding with DA
by Prof Onno Bokhove and Tom Kent, PDRA, University of Leeds (The University of Leeds is a collaborator on the DARE project). Motivated by the Boxing Day 2015 floods in…Read More >