On Monday 17 June, we hosted our inaugural conference which focused on the theme Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr Mara Oliva, Digital Humanities Academic Champion, welcoming our guests. Photo credit: Prof James Ferryman

The conference was sold out, the sun was shining and we enjoyed a wonderful day of learning and networking!


Dr Barbara McGillivray taking questions from an inspired audience. Photo credit: Prof James Ferryman

Dr Barbara McGillivray, King’s College London and Turing Institute Fellow, delivered the keynote address: “Coding Culture: A Journey at the Nexus of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities”.

We then had a range of thought-provoking parallel sessions on synthetic media, cultural heritage, ethics and teaching.

The Synthetic Media Panel chaired by conference co-organiser Dr Dominic Lees. Photo credit: James Ferryman.


Dr Mara Oliva presenting her work on a VR reconstruction of the New York World’s Fair of 1939. Photo credit: Prof James Ferryman










Ethics Panel chaired by conference co-organiser, Dr Jumbly Grindrod. Photo credit: Prof James Ferryman

The conference proceedings will be published in a special edition of Digital Humanities Quarterly. In the meantime, you can enjoy a few snapshots from our conference by following our new blog series, starting on Friday, 28 June. First up: Jackie Baines and Edward Ross from the Department of Classics at the University of Reading with a blog on “Breaking Down Generative Artificial Intelligence for Ancient World Studies”.

Many thanks to the conference organising committee: Professor Roberta Gilchrist (Research Dean for Heritage and Creativity), Dr Mara Oliva (Associate Professor in History and Digital Humanities Champion), Dr Dawn Kanter (DH Officer), Dr Dominic Lees (Associate Professor of Filmmaking), Professor James Ferryman (Professor of Computational Vision), Dr Jumbly Grindrod (Lecturer in Philosophy), Dr Rachel Lewis (Research Development Manager) and Dr Bonhi Bhattacharya (Senior Research Development Manager).