Projects starting in autumn 2024

We’re looking forward to welcoming our 2024 cohort of researchers who will be working on 32 projects that span the food system from farm to fork.  Find out more about the projects in the table below.

Project descriptions

All advertised projects are listed in the table below.

Research area Project number Project title Lead Supervisor / University Co-Supervisor / University
Alternative Food Systems FBS2024-003-Whitworth-aq Crop protection: protecting farmed insects from pathogens using predatory bacteria David Whitworth, Aberystwyth University Katerina Theodoridou, Queen’s University Belfast
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-021-Robinson-qa Blood and guts: functional genomics to probe blood-feeding in liver fluke Mark Robinson, Queen’s University Belfast Gabriel Rinaldi, Aberystwyth University
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-030-Nash-ar Cows, cannabinoids and terpenes; screening hemp-derived compounds for anti-inflammatory properties to tackle inflammatory disorders of the dairy cow Deborah (Debbie) Nash, Aberystwyth University Kirsty Kliem, University of Reading
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-041-McBride-as The importance of sleep: using AI (video-based motion capture systems) to improve the health, resilience and productivity of dairy cows Sebastian McBride, Aberystwyth University Matthew Parker, University of Surrey
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-050-Kyriazakis-qc A novel Bayesian methodology to estimate unobserved traits of cattle for AI-assisted precision feeding Ilias Kyriazakis, Queen’s University Belfast Georgios Pexas, Cranfield University
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-093-Carroll-qr Pioneering Progress: Insights into Effective Animal Welfare Interventions Grace Carroll, Queen’s University Belfast Kate Johnson, University of Reading
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-097-Betson-sa Investigating the gut parasite Eimeria in UK sheep: parasite species diversity and impacts on the gut microbiome Martha Betson, University of Surrey Justin Pachebat, Aberystwyth University
Animal health and livestock agricultural systems FBS2024-101-Arnott-qr The role of precision technologies in future grazing systems: Implications for animal welfare, performance and farm sustainability Gareth Arnott, Queen’s University Belfast Sokratis Stergiadis, University of Reading
Consumer focused projects FBS2024-069-Hart-sc Packaging, date labelling and nutritional quality – can less equal more? Kathryn Hart, University of Surrey Kenisha Garnett, Cranfield University
Decarbonising food systems FBS2024-015-Sizmur-rc Towards net-zero chocolate: carbon and nutrient budgets for compost use on cocoa farms Tom Sizmur, University of Reading Ruben Sakrabani, Cranfield University
Decarbonising food systems FBS2024-095-Cain-cr Enhancing Sustainability Assessment Frameworks for Regenerative Agriculture: Integrating Ecological, Social, and Economic Indicators for Comprehensive Analysis Michelle Cain, Cranfield University Laurence Smith, University of Reading
Food Safety (microbial) FBS2024-106-Verheecke-Vaessen-cq Development of novel tests to evaluate the food safety risk associated with mycotoxigenic fungi in wheat Carol Verheecke-Vaessen, Cranfield University Katrina Campbell, Queen’s University Belfast
Food Safety (microbial) FBS2024-040-McCarthy-bq Repurposing artificial sweeteners as infection and contamination control agents Ronan McCarthy, Brunel University Brendan Gilmore, Queen’s University Belfast
Food Safety (microbial) FBS2024-089-Charalampopoulos-rc Development of novel, biodegradable, active food packaging Dimitris Charalampopoulos, University of Reading Natalia Falagan, Cranfield University
Food security FBS2024-009-Thompson-ca Advanced gene editing to improve water use efficiency in crops Andrew Thompson, Cranfield University John Doonan, Aberystwyth University
Food security FBS2024-023-Potts-rc Increasing the value of silvoarable agroforestry using understory crops in the tree rows Simon Potts, University of Reading Paul Burgess, Cranfield University
Food security FBS2024-044-Lo Iacono-sr Modelling the impact of diseases on pollinator networks Gianni Lo Iacono, University of Surrey Michael Garratt, University of Reading
Food security FBS2024-045-Lloyd-ac Walk on the Wild Side: improving trait introgression from crop wild relatives Andrew Lloyd, Aberystwyth University Fady Moareb, Cranfield University
Gut Microbiota FBS2024-002 -Wijeyesekera-rs Interactions between the gut microbiota, vitamin D and bone health: assessing dietary driven approaches to support healthy ageing Anisha Wijeyesekera, University of Reading Susan Lanham-New, University of Surrey
Gut Microbiota FBS2024-004-Walton-rs A probiotic approach targeting the microbiota to improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms and associated low mood Gemma Walton, University of Reading Kathrin Cohen Kadosh, University of Surrey
Gut microbiota FBS2024-046-Lewis-rs Improving oral iron absorption in infants using prebiotics and probiotics to modify the gut microbiota Marie Lewis, University of Reading Arnoud van Vliet, University of Surrey
Gut Microbiota FBS2024-064-Huws-qa How and why do rumen bacteria talk to each other? Sharon Huws, Queen’s University Belfast David Whitworth, Aberystwyth University
Nutrition (human) FBS2024-007-Tischler-sr Plant-based diets for older people in care homes: a realist and psychobiological evaluation Victoria Tischler, University of Surrey Lisa Methven, University of Reading
Nutrition (human) FBS2024-029-Oruna-Concha-ra UMTaste: Understanding the mechanisms by which umami taste influences salty and bitter taste to enable umami to drive salt reduction and improvement in meat alternative protein foods Maria Jose Oruna-Concha Jessica Adams, Aberystwyth University
Nutrition (human) FBS2024-037-Methven-rq IEat: Integrating eating behaviour and food choice behaviour into sustainable habits for healthy children Lisa Methven, University of Reading Jayne Woodside, Queen’s University Belfast
Nutrition (human) FBS2024-098-Bath-sq Improving iodine intake in adults following a plant-based diet – a mixed methods study Sarah Bath, University of Surrey Jayne Woodside, Queen’s University Belfast
Plant / crop systems FBS2024-052-Kourmpetli-ca Seed microbiome engineering: a route to sustainable agriculture Sofia Kourmpetli, Cranfield University Faisal Rezwan, Aberystwyth University
Plant / crop systems FBS2024-061-JonesH-ar Harnessing cell permeable peptides to enhance crop development and biochemistry Huw Jones, Aberystwyth University Luke Bell, University of Reading
Plant / crop systems FBS2024-092-Chadwick-ra Editing out insecticide use: Use of gene editing Eruca sativa for more effective biofumigation Martin Chadwick, University of Reading Huw Jones, Aberystwyth University