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Department of Meteorology – University of Reading

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Room and Equipment bookings

page updated March 2024

This page provides information to dept staff and students on how to:

  • access the online booking system (CMISGo timetable) to check availability of any room across campus
  • book a central or school-owned room for a meeting or event
  • book the Brian Hoskins 1L35 meeting room
  • book use of dept equipment: poster tubes; giant Post-It notes; thermal cameras; the Globe; conference cams; seminar laptop and microphone set; poster boards, table-top display boards, table-top magnetic whiteboard.


Please note for room booking requests for teaching sessions: Only the timetabling team (TT) can schedule or amend a timetabled session (lectures, tutorials, revision classes etc). This ensures that these bookings are in student timetables.

To arrange with TT, the module convenor should contact our SDTL Calvin Smith (cc Louise Strange). Urgent requests should be sent directly to TT at, with Calvin and Louise copied. More information can be found on the Timetabling page.


Access CMISGo

CMISGo User Guides are available for students and staff. Please read relevant guide for how to log in to with your standard UoR details (Username & Password) and how to view timetables and (where permitted) to book rooms. More information can be found on the Room bookings page

If you have any technical issues with CMISGo – please contact DTS Service Desk via the Self Service Portal or email or phone 6262 .


Book a room

Please access CMISGo (as above) first to check availability and choose a suitable room. All requests should include the following details in listed order:

  • Name of room:
  • Number of attendees (can be approximate):
  • Date:
  • Time:
  • Name of the meeting>

To book a Central Room: Students should send the above details to the CRBT team at As of September 2022, all staff can either access CMISGo and book a central room directly online, or can email the CRBT team. A list of bookable rooms on campus and their capacities, as well as guidelines on their use, can be found on the Room bookings page.

Central rooms within Brian Hoskins and Harry Pitt

Room name Cap Layout Facilities Notes
BH GL68 PC 20 PC room PCs  
BH GU01 Sutcliffe LT 96 Lecture theatre Projector, White Board  
BH 1L61 60 Synop. Lab Projector, White Board  From Sept 2024


To book a School-owned (local) room: please send the above details to the Executive Support team at Please provide information in the following order:

  • 1. Name of room:
  • 2. Number of attendees (can be approximate):
  • 3. Date:
  • 4. Time:
  • 5. Name of the meeting:

    To book the 1L35 Meeting room: 
    Using either Teams or Outlook, create a meeting invite and either set the location as ‘TMR Meteorology 1L35’, or add the room as an attendee (also as ‘TMR Meteorology 1L35). You can also use Teams or Outlook calendars to see when the room is booked/busy. More information on Teams meeting rooms can be found here.To book a room for a viva (and for any other viva arrangements): please email our post-grad administrator (Christine Macfarlane).Local rooms within Brian Hoskins and Harry Pitt (please do not use without a booking, even if they appear unoccupied)

    Room name Cap Layout Facilities Notes
    BH 1L35 8 Meeting room AV Technology/Teams Meeting room Firstly, create an outlook calendar invitation for your meeting which includes the location as ‘TMR Meteorology 1L35’. There is no longer a need to contact to book this room.
    BH 1L36 10 Meeting room Projector, whiteboard, pin board
    BH 1L43 16 Classroom (small). If used for meeting – must return to classroom layout Projector, whiteboard, pin board
    BH 1L44 8 Meeting room Whiteboard
    BH 1L46 10 Meeting room (oval table) Whiteboard, pin board, large monitor, no projector No window in door
    BH 1L47 coffee area 30 seated Open-plan lounge & social space Whiteboard, dept notice boards
    BH 1L61 60 Classroom Projector, whiteboard, portable TV monitor AKA David Grimes Synoptic lab
    BH 1L67 library study area 8 Meeting space within library Projector
    HP 108 16 Meeting room Projector
    HP 175 seminar Room 35

    No set layout – arrange as needed.

    videowall, whiteboard, projector, flipchart Videowall instructions  in HP175. Booking information below
    HP 176 conference Room 10 Meeting room Whiteboard, Projector Logicalis teleconferencing suite (NCEO use only)

    HP175 videowall booking

    Please mention in your room booking request if you will require use of the videowall. As Windows 7 is no longer supported, videoconferencing will not be possible, but presentations can be loaded via a USB stick for in-person seminars.

    Please email MET-VIDEOWALL@MAILLISTS.READING.AC.UK in advance for guidance, or before using for the first time, and to arrange access to the locked server room containing the videowall PC. Please be aware that any guidance provided is on a ‘best efforts’ basis only.


    General information for rooms

    IT facilities and support – DTS should be contacted to resolve any technical difficulties in our central rooms, and for any local rooms that are approved for teaching (1L61), as AV Support is available. For other local rooms, please contact Executive Support Team.

    Please read University of Reading Guidance for the Conduct of Meetings in 2022/23 for information on the preparation of, and best practices in, meetings held in person and on Teams.

    Equipment Bookings

    The items listed below are available to borrow and unless otherwise stated:

    1. Equipment must be booked in advance.
    2. Please collect from and return to BH 1L40 reception office, open 9.30am – 2.30pm (or 1L39 outwith these hours). In consideration of other bookings: please collect and return at the agreed times.
    Equipment Notes Check availability here
    Poster Tubes Booking not required
    Table-top magnetic whiteboard One available with hinged easel: (H) 600mm x (W) 800mm, 8kg weight 
    Table-top display boards Two sets, each with three folding vertical 900mm x 600mm panels. Can be joined together for double (1800mm) height (plus header board).
    Giant Post-It notes Four flipchart-sized packs for use on windows, walls, whiteboards & desks
    Thermal cameras Two cameras available for outreach activities.
    Booking: please contact Binta Emokpae.
    The Globe -in 1L67 library Pufferfish projection sphere dept webpage (and user instructions): The Globe display in the Library – Meteorology (
    Booking: please contact Martin Airey.
    Globe calendar
    Portable conference cams Three available for hybrid meetings. Equipment specification and information here. Plug-in diagram and quick start guide in box. Please ask for adaptor for Macs. Conference cams booking calendar
    Seminar laptop and microphone set Can only be used for seminars in GU01, 1L61 etc as microphone too powerful for meeting rooms. Camtasia software. Start-up guide and operations manual available on request. Laptop can be booked with or without the microphone (priority given to the former). seminar laptop and microphone booking calendar
    Poster boards – in GU04 and stairwell 14 available, 1.2m x 1.2m usable space on both sides. Please only use with pins (as velcro tabs pull the fabric out of place). Also available for hire (charge per board) to other Schools. Poster boards booking calendar

    Bookings: unless otherwise stated above, please send your request to

    For the portable conference cams*, seminar laptop & microphone set, or poster boards please provide the following details:

    • Event details – title, location, date and (start and end) times
    • Equipment collection and return times if different from above

    And for poster boards, please provide additional details;

    • Number of boards required.
    • Project code and timings for Porters to move boards to and from storage before and after the event. Please ensure your room booking allows sufficient time for this.
    • Placement of the boards within the room (optional).

    *For any booking spanning more than one day, or if conference cam cannot be returned before Executive Support leave at end of their working day – please store securely in your office and return next day promptly at 9.30am.


    Equipment available from Events teams & Venue Reading

    The Events Team in Miller building can provide banners, A-Frames and various tablecloths free of charge (first come, first served). These are also available to purchase as a kit for regular use. Venue Reading in Park House ( hire out poster boards and flipcharts. Costs do not include transport by porters (dept must raise WREN).

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