Chris Hilson, Centre Director, writes in New Energy World about how fossil fuel exporting countries should be held to account for their exported emissions, 8 Jan 2025 Read the full…Read More >
COP29 deal: ‘Betrayal of the most vulnerable’ or what was ‘politically achievable’?
COP29 finance deal is ‘a betrayal of the world’s most vulnerable, of the Paris Agreement, and of common sense,’ says climate activist Iskander Erzini Vernoit. Read the full article here.
Chris Hilson writes about the recent Shell v Milieudefensie corporate climate litigation appeal judgment
Chris Hilson writes about the recent Shell v Milieudefensie corporate climate litigation appeal judgment. In this blog, he argues for a role for the non-regression principle as part of Shell’s…Read More >
Professor Benoit Mayer discusses what a successful COP29 summit would look like
Professor Benoit Mayer appears on Sky News to discuss what a successful COP29 summit would look like as the conference gets underway in Baku. He argues that the high price…Read More >
Chris Hilson discusses sea level rise in Wales
Chris Hilson, Centre Director, was interviewed for a German public radio documentary on sea level rise in Wales in connection with research (with Alex Arnall) on Fairbourne, North Wales. Please…Read More >
Climate or carbon neutrality? Which one must states aim for under Article 8 ECHR?
Written by Chris Hilson and Oliver Geden In its judgment in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Grand Chamber ruled that Switzerland…Read More >
Colombia’s Constitutional Court recognises the existence of forced internal displacement due to environmental factors
In the report, Professor Mauricio Madrigal, of the University of los Andes, suggests that the work of the University of Reading and University of Medellín in the previous IOTA hurricane…Read More >
Climate change imaginaries: Representing and contesting sea level rise in Fairbourne, North Wales
Abstract Geographical imaginaries – as discourses that are both representationally and performatively constituted – are vitally implicated in the making of the world and therefore profoundly political. In this paper…Read More >
The ECtHR’s Klimaseniorinnen Judgment: The Meaning of Carbon Budget within a Wide Margin of Appreciation
Read the full article here.
Chris Hilson, Director, is quoted in CNN on the 2023 summer heatwave in Europe
Read the full article here.