Our Publications

Paredes, Maritza, and Alvaro Pastor. “Illicit crops in the frontier margins: Amazonian indigenous livelihoods and the expansion of coca in Peru.” The Journal of Peasant Studies (2023): 1-22.

Farthing, Linda and Thomas Grisaffi (2023) An Alternative to ‘Alternative Development’? How Bolivia limited coca cultivation by moving away from militarized repression. GCRF working paper, The University of Reading

Farthing, Linda & Grisaffi, Thomas (2022) Indigenous women’s rights: The impact of organizing by Bolivia’s coca growing women GCRF Working Paper.

Farthing, Linda & Grisaffi, Thomas (2022) Behind Bolivia’s less violent cocaine trade. NACLA.

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur; Maritza Paredes; Alvaro Pastor (2021) From criminals to citizens: The applicability of Bolivia’s community-based coca control policy to Peru World Development 146 (1-14)

Grisaffi, Thomas. (2021) Enacting democracy in a de facto state: coca, cocaine and campesino unions in the Chapare, Bolivia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 1-22. 

Paredes, Maritza et al (2021) ¿Una oportunidad perdida? Boom extractivo y cambios institucionales en el Perú (eBook). PUCP Press.

Paredes, Maritza and Alvaro Pastor. (2021). Erradicación en suspenso: La dimensión simbólica de la pacificación negociada en el VRAEM. Revista de Ciencia Política (Santiago).

Arias, Desmond and Thomas Grisaffi eds. (2021), Cocaine: From Coca Fields to the Streets, Durham NC: Duke University Press.

Grisaffi, Thomas (2021), Why is the cocaine trade not violent? Cocaine production and the embedded economy in the Chapare, Bolivia. Development & Change. 1-26.

Arias, Desmond and Thomas Grisaffi (2021) ‘The Moral Economy of the Cocaine Trade’, in Arias, D. E. and Grisaffi, T. (eds) Cocaine: From Coca Fields to the Streets. Durham NC, Duke University Press

Grisaffi, Thomas (2021) The White Factory: Coca, Cocaine and Informal Governance in the Chapare, Bolivia’, in Arias, E. D. and Grisaffi, T. (eds) Cocaine: From Coca Fields to the Streets. Durham, NC, Duke University Press

Paredes, Maritza; Alvaro Pastor and Thomas Grisaffi (2021). El control de cultivos de coca en el Perú: Repensando la erradicación y el control alternativo.. Working paper. Lima, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and the University of Reading.

Farthing, L (2021) Bolivia’s Arce passes his first political test. World Politics Review.

Paredes, M., & Manrique, H. (2021). The State’s Developmentalist Illusion and the Origins of Illegal Coca Cultivation in Peru’s Alto Huallaga Valley (1960–80)Journal of Latin American Studies, 1-23. doi:10.1017/S0022216X21000225

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing (2021) Cocaine: falling coffee prices force Peru’s farmers to cultivate coca, The Conversation.

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing (2021) Cocaina: il calo dei prezzi del caffè costringe i contadini del Perù a coltivare coca

Goudsmit Lambertín, Ara; Sara Aliaga Ticona (2021) Mujeres Cultivadoras de Coca: Historias de Lucha y Resiliencias.

Aliaga Ticona, Sara; Goudsmit Lambertín, Ara (2021) Ensayo fotográfico: Mujeres cultivadoras de hoja de coca, historias de lucha y resiliencia

Grisaffi, Thomas  (2021) The informal governance of the drug trade: Violence, social organization and cocaine production in the Chapare, Bolivia. Paper presented at the Latin American Stuides Association (LASA) annual congress (virtual congress). 28th May 2021.

Grisaffi, Thomas. A brief history of coca: from traditional use to the cocaine economy Working paper. The University of Reading.

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur; Maritza Paredes; Alvaro Pastor (2020) Dándole Vuelta a la Hoja: Aplicabilidad Regional de Políticas Innovadoras Para el Control de Cultivos de Drogas en los Andes Working Paper, The University of Reading, Andean Information Network, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur; Maritza Paredes; Alvaro Pastor (2020)  Turning Over a New Leaf: Regional Applicability of Innovative Drug Crop Control Policy in The Andes Working Paper, The University of Reading, Andean Information Network, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: 1-58.

Kathryn Ledebur; Linda Farthing; Thomas Grisaffi (2020) Bolivia reverses years of progress with new draconian cocaine policy, supported by the EU. The Conversation

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur; (2020) Peru’s war on drugs is an abject failure – here’s what it can learn from Bolivia. The Conversation

Alvaro Pastor (2020) Los cultivos de coca en el Perú Working Paper, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Grisaffi, Thomas (2020) Democracy or dictatorship? Illiberal Governance in Bolivia’s Coca Growers’ Unions Paper presented at the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Biennial Virtual Conference 20-24 July 2020.

Linda Farthing (2020) Amid Repression and Scrutiny of the OAS, Bolivia Staggers Toward an Election Rerun. World Politics Review

Linda Farthing and Grisaffi, Thomas (2020) Corona hits the cocaine supply chain. Latin America News Dispatch (LAND), May 26th 2020.

Andean Information Network and the University of Reading (2020). Bolivia y Perú: Productores de Coca en la Era del Covid-19 Report. May 2020. 

Andean Information Network and the University of Reading (2020). Bolivia and Peru: Coca Farmers in the Time of Covid-19 Report. May 2020. 

Andean Information Network (2020) Dia de la Madre report. May 2020.

Andean Information Network and the University of Reading (2020). Peru’s coca control strategy: Mixed messages and ambiguous data. Report. April 2020

Farthing, Linda. “In Bolivia, the Right Returns with a Vengeance.” NACLA Report on the Americas 52.1 (2020): 5-12.

Maritza Paredes and Tomáš Došek (2020) The Subnational Indigenous Quota in Peru: The Paradoxes of Political Representation. Latin American Politics and Society

Kathryn Ledebur and Grisaffi, Thomas (2019) Bullets in Lieu of Dialogue: Coca Eradication in Peru’s Central Jungle. Report, Nov 2019

Kathryn Ledebur and Grisaffi, Thomas (2019) Balas en vez de Dialogo: La Erradicación de la Coca en la Selva Central del Perú Report, Nov 2019.

Grisaffi, Thomas (2019) Coca Yes, Cocaine No: How Bolivia’s Coca Growers Reshaped Democracy. Duke University Press, Durham NC.

Farthing, Linda. “An opportunity squandered? Elites, social movements, and the government of Evo Morales.Latin American Perspectives 46.1 (2019): 212-229.

Farthing, Linda, 2019 After Morales’ Resignation, Bolivia Teeters on the Edge as Repression Rises. World Politics Review

Paredes, Maritza. 2019 “Indigenous Activism and Human Rights NGOs in Peru: The Unexpected Consequences of Armed Conflict.” in Soifer, H and Vergara A (eds) Politics after Violence: Legacies of the Shining Path Conflict in Peru University of Texas Press, Austin. 176-201.

Paredes, Maritza and Hernan Manrique (2018). Ideas of Modernization and Territorial Transformation in the Rise of Coca: The Case of the Upper Huallaga Valley in The Origins of Cocaine: Colonization and Failed Development in the Amazon Andes. Peru. P. Gootenberg. New York; London, Routledge.

Grisaffi, Thomas (2018)   Drug Policy: The Challenge from Latin America Working paper

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur (2017). Desarrollo integrado con coca en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: de la erradicación a la mitigación de la pobreza Boletin de Estupefacientes LXI(1): 145-174.

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur (2017). Integrated development with coca in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: shifting the focus from eradication to poverty alleviation. Bulletin on Narcotics LXI: 131-157.

Grisaffi, Thomas; Linda Farthing; Kathryn Ledebur (2017).Développement intégré et coca dans l’État plurinational de Bolivie : l’éradication cède le pas à la réduction de la pauvreté Bulletin des Stupéfiants LXI: 147-176.

Grisaffi, T. (2017). From the grassroots to the presidential palace: Evo Morales and the coca growers’ union in Bolivia Where Are the Unions?: Workers and Social Movements in Latin America, the Middle East and Europe. S. Lazar. London, Zed Books: 44-63.

Grisaffi, T. (2017) The porletariat of the cocaine trade: Social reproduction and the governance of the illicit drug trade in the Chapare, Bolivia. Paper prepared for ‘Governance in the Global Narcotics Trade’ conference, held at George Mason University, Washington DC. 3rd Feb 2017.

Grisaffi, Thomas. and Kathryn Ledebur (2016). “Citizenship or Repression? Coca, Eradication and Development in the Andes.” Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 5(1).

Grisaffi, Thomas (2016). Social Control in Bolivia: A Humane Alternative to the Forced Eradication of Coca Crops. Drug Policies and the Politics of Drugs in the Americas. B. Labate, C. Cavnar and T. Rodrigues. Cham, Switzerland, Springer.

Farthing, L. and K. Ledebur (2015). Habeas Coca: Bolivia’s Community Coca Control. New York, Open Society Foundations.