Professor Holly Joseph (Professor of Language Education and Literacy Development, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) is awarded an ADR UK Linked Administrative Data Studentship funding. This prestigious doctoral studentship,…Read More >
NEWS – New co-authored research paper on vocabulary learning and practice distribution by Dr. Muna Muqaibal (a former PhD student at the University of Reading’s Institute of Education) and her supervisors Professor Cathy Tissot and Dr. Rowena Kasprowicz soon to be published in the Language Teaching Research journal
A new co-authored research paper on vocabulary learning and practice distribution by Dr. Muna Muqaibal (a former PhD student at the University of Reading’s Institute of Education who now works…Read More >
NEWS – New book chapter by Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) on the exchange-value of studying physics
Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) has published a chapter in the book, Science Identities: Theory, method and research, edited by Henriette…Read More >
NEWS – Dr. Natthapoj Vincent Trakulphadetkrai’s Young Mathematical Story Author (YMSA) competition is back in its fifth year
The Young Mathematical Story Author (YMSA) competition is back! The competition is the world’s first international mathematical story writing competition, and is now in its fifth year. Launched in 2019…Read More >
NEWS – Dr. Daisy Powell (Associate Professor in the Psychology of Written Language, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) appointed as director of the University of Reading’s new Statistics Community of Practice
Dr. Daisy Powell (Associate Professor in the Psychology of Written Language, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) has recently been appointed as director of the University’s new Statistics Community of…Read More >
NEWS – Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) gave a keynote at the University of Greenwich’s annual Teaching & Learning conference
Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading’s Institute of Education) was an invited keynote speaker at the University of Greenwich’s 16th annual SHIFT Teaching & Learning…Read More >
NEWS – Two Fulbright scholars from the University of Reading’s Institute of Education celebrate their research journeys in London
The University of Reading’s Institute of Education is currently home to two winners of prestigious Fulbright research awards. Indicative of the breadth of opportunities that the Fulbright US-UK commission offers,…Read More >
NEWS – Latest research paper by the University of Reading’s Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation) and Meggie Copsey-Blake (a PhD in Education student) on the experiences of minority ethnic women in STEM higher education published
Latest research paper by Dr. Billy Wong’s (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading) from his recent Student Experiences in STEM (SESTEM) project has been published in the journal,…Read More >
NEWS – The University of Reading’s Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM) has released a new video series, titled ‘CeLM in Conversation’
The University of Reading’s Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM) has released a new video series, titled ‘CeLM in Conversation’, with each video features two CeLM members talking about different…Read More >
NEWS – Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading) was invited to speak at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Brunel University, New City College, and the University of Copenhagen
In late November and early December, Dr. Billy Wong (Associate Professor in Widening Participation, University of Reading) was invited to speak about his recent projects from different organisations. Dr. Wong…Read More >