NP Research

A variety of types and formats of research are assembled in this section. The items and links are packed with analysis, advice and insight to help steer and inform Neighbourhood Planners and partners.

We have organised this to include:

We are actively engaged in producing and  discussing research ideas and findings – please let us know your thoughts. Contact us on:


August 2018 – NP synopsis report. This  is an update and  combination of findings and  actions for NP. A must read for both practitioners and policymakers and contains key research needs:  NP UoR Synopsis report  2018 FINAL


   The three user experience reports that we have  produced:

Neighbourhood Planning HIVE report (June 2018)

NP Users Revisited Exec Summary (Jan 17)

User Experience of Neighbourhood Planning (Exec Summary Oct 2014)


ALSO – see the  NEWS page for information about our new book designed to inform NP practitioners…