
This section contains examples of policy documents that cover LGBTQ+ issues within the primary school context. All the policies come from Thameside Primary School in Caversham, Reading, who have kindly given us permission to share these. The school has been given a Rainbow Flag for its work on creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive school; further details about the Rainbow Flag award can be found at https://www.rainbowflagaward.co.uk/.

In the section is advice from Rainbow Flag about writing LGBTQ+ policies, as well as advice from Thameside Primary about writing these policies. There are also copies of the school’s policies covering ‘Safeguarding and child protection’, ‘Anti-bulling and anti-racism’, ‘Relationships and Sex education’, ‘Physical activity’, and ‘Uniform’.

The policy documents have been shared to support other schools in highlighting approaches and ideas that could inform their own policy making.

Developing effective LGBT inclusive policies

Writing LGBTQ+ policies

Safeguarding and child protection

Anti-bulling and anti-racism

Relationships and Sex education

Physical activity


Letter to parents