Past Group Members

Previous Group Members

Professor Ellie Highwood, Professor in Climate Physics

Ellie left our group in 2019 to set up her own enterprises in Diversity and Inclusion (Equasense) and Personal Coaching (Send Them Soaring). Ellie is now a visiting professor at the Department.

Steven Abel

PhD Student, “The radiative properties and direct effect of Southern African biomass burning aerosols”

Steve successfully defended his thesis in October 2004 and now works at the UK Met Office in Exeter.

Duncan Ackerley

PDRA “Dust Outflow and Deposition to the Ocean (DODO)”

Having completed his PhD and a 2 year Postdoc position in the group, Duncan moved to work as a regional climate scientist at NIWA in Wellington, NZ.

Michelle Cain

PhD Student, “Transport and processing of chemicals and aerosols in the West African monsoon region”

Michelle gained her doctorate in 2009 and moved to a PDRA on the RONOCO project at Cambridge University.

Jeff Cao

Jeff worked on the SWAAMI (South West Asian Aerosol Monsoon Interactions) project. Jeff has returned to China to pursue his research career.

Nicky Chalmers

Following a PDRA on the global radiative effects of aerosols using satellite retrievals, Nicky now works at the UK Met Office in Exeter.

Jolene Cook

PhD Student, “The radiative properties of aerosol over the Northern Mediterranean.”

Jolene successfully defended her thesis in November 2007 and moved to a position in the radiation group before moving into climate science policy.


Dr Will Davies

PDRA, CAMS project: Producing quantitative estimates of the radiative forcing of greenhouse gasses and aerosols with respect to pre-industrial times
CLARIFY project: Assessing version GA7.1 of HadGEM3, constraining the model using observations from the CLARIFY field campaign


Dr Jon Elsey

Metrology for Aerosol OPtical Properties (MAPP) Project

Anna Esteve

PDRA,The radiative impact of aerosols: linking measurements and models

Anna worked in the group as part of a Spanish National Fellowship, and now works as a lecturer at the University of Valencia.

Angus Ferraro

PhD Student, “Atmospheric responses to geoengineering in the stratosphere” (co-supervised by Dr Andrew Charlton-Perez)

Angus successfully completed his Viva in the group and is now working at the University of Exeter.

Dr Ella Gilbert

Advancing the Science for Aviation and Climate (ACACIA)

Liang Guo

PDRA, The impact of aerosol on the Indian Monsoon

Liang now works in NCAS in the Meteorology Department.

Bethan Harris

PhD Student, “Effect of supervolcanoes on climate”

Bethan successfully gained her PhD in 2009, worked in the group on the ADIENT project for 1 year and moved to work as a researcher on climate related programmes at the BBC. Bethan now works in atmospheric science data management.

Ross Herbert

Ross worked on the CLARIFY (Cloud and Aerosols Radiative Impact and Forcing) and SWAAMI (South West Asian Aerosol Monsoon Interactions) projects. Ross is now a PDRA at the University of Oxford.

Madhavi Karumudi

PDRA, co-ordinator for DIAC-UKAAN and also investigated aerosol characteristics and global atmospheric electrical activity at Reading using measurements of the atmospheric electric field and aerosol mass concentration.

Dhirendra Kumar

Dhirendra worked on the DAHLIA project, examining the role of model resolution and convective representation on dust uplift in East Asia, and moved to a position working with Tristan Quaife in the department.

Michael Lai

PhD student, Understanding the impact of Anthropogenic aerosol emissions on north atlantic mulidecadal variability, supervised by Dr Laura Wilcox

Eunice Lo

PhD Student, “The effects and effectiveness of stratospheric aerosol injection”

Eunice completed her PhD in 2017 and now works at the University of Bristol.

James Mollard

James undertook his PhD on the properties of black carbon aerosol in climate models, followed by a PDRA working on aerosol satellite validation over central western Africa for the DACCIWA (Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa) project. James is now a research scientist in NCAS in the Department.

Megan Northway

Megan worked on the ADIENT project which is quantifying aerosol optical properties around the UK and across EUROPE. She now lives in Japan with her family.

Andrew Prata

Andrew worked on developing a proof-of-concept tool that will enable the calculation of along-flight volcanic ash dosage with Dr Helen Dacre. Andrew now works at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre.

Steve Rumbold

Steve worked on the APPRAISE project developing and tested a benchmark radiative transfer model for the UK Atmospheric Aerosol community. He now works at the Met Office in Exeter.

Nicola Stuber

Nicola worked on the EU FP6 project, QUANTIFY, using the Unified Model to look at the climate effect of aerosols. She was also a member of the Radiation and Climate Processes group. Nicola left in 2010 for new adventures!

Dr Gillian Thornhill

Gill worked on the CRESCENDO project, understanding aerosols and chemically reactive gases within CMIP6 and climate change. She moved to a PDRA position in the Geography Department.

Julia Tindall

PhD student, “The tropical substratosphere”

Julia successfully defended her thesis in February 2004 and is now working at the University of Bristol.

Velle Toll

Velle worked on the VOLCCANO (VOLcanoes for Constraining Cloud Aerosol iNteractiOns) project.

Chris Webber

PhD Student, “Linking pollution, meteorology and climate change”

After completing his PhD in 2017, Chris moved to a job at the University of Hertfordshire in the Department of Physics and Mathematics.

Margaret Woodage

Margaret worked on the SWAMMA (Saharan West African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses) project.

Dr Alcide Zhao

Alcide worked on the DAHLIA project, examining climate simulations of dust in East Asia. He now works in NCAS on the WISHBONE (Wider impacts of Subpolar North Atlantic decadal variability on the ocean and atmosphere) project.