The introductory paper of the SISAL’s Special Issue in the open-access journal “Quaternary”, edited by Sandy Harrison and myself, is now published: In this editorial paper, we discuss some…Read More >
How does climate change in semi-arid Spain from 130,000 years ago? By Dongyang Wei
Our paper “Climate changes in interior semi-arid Spain from the last interglacial to the late Holocene” is now online in Climate of the Past Discussions ( In this paper, we…Read More >
LandCover6k European Land Use chapter meeting. By Sandy Harrison
LandCover 6k is an international initiative sponsored by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project ( One of the goals is to create a global data set of anthropogenic land use…Read More >
Four in one blow. By Sandy Harrison
I feel like the tailor in Grimm’s Das tapfere Schneiderlein today, with four papers being submitted in one day. Dongyang’s persistence on getting the Villarquemado climate reconstruction paper submitted before…Read More >