I feel like the tailor in Grimm’s Das tapfere Schneiderlein today, with four papers being submitted in one day. Dongyang’s persistence on getting the Villarquemado climate reconstruction paper submitted before the Chinese New Year holidays is perhaps not surprising. Sean’s submission of the application of variational techniques to reconstruct palaeoclimate has been driven by the upcoming World Climate Research Programme meeting in Barcelona, where we intend to present our new benchmark data set for the Last Glacial Maximum. But the FireMIP team has also been busy, with two papers submitted: Lina Teckentrup and Gitta Lasslop’s paper on the sensitivity of burned area during the historical period to individual environmental and anthropogenic controls, and Xiang Song and Fang Li’s paper on 20th century vegetation biomass changes across China estimated by bias correction of the FireMIP simulations. So, well done team and here’s to happy proof-reading in 2019.