e-ReproNim FENS NENS Cluster Brainhack, 19-21/06/23
As part of the e-ReproNim experiment of co-teaching between the MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Reading, the BSc/MSc in Cognitive Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Neuroscience postgraduate programmes in the Swiss Lemanic region, brainhack is the next event within this programme.
Brainhack is a hackathon with a theme around reproducibility, in which participants can propose their own project, by selecting a research article which one can reproduce. The first two days will feature talks by the staff leads from each University, with the event finishing on the third day with a presentation from each project team.
To register for the event you can do so here: (Note this is for University of Reading participants only)
For more information, and the schedule, please see the event's webpage.