Effects of sugar vs sweetener on the brains reward system

We would be grateful to you if you could assist us by participating in our scanning study examining the effects of sugar and sweeteners on the brains reward system. During the scan itself you will be asked to taste some different drinks and rate them for their pleasantness whilst laying down in the scanner. We will practice this also before the scan to make sure you are comfortable with the process. If you pass the screening phase we will ask you to complete some questionnaires online. Then you can come to the university to practice the task before the scan day. We will pay you £30 for your time.
If you would like to know more about the study, please email h.ko@reading.ac.uk

Am I eligible?

You are not eligible to take part in the study if any of the following are true for you:
  • taking psychoactive medication
  • left-handed
  • a smoker
  • food allergies
  • diabetes
  • BMI outside the healthy range (18-25) (calculate this here)
  • any contraindications to fMRI scanning

Let us know if you’re interested in taking part in this study