Exploring how foreign language knowledge develops in young learners learning French, German, or Spanish in an instructed setting.
Digital Empowerment for Language Teaching (DELTEA)
Examining the role of technology in foreign language teaching and learning in primary school.
Online learning and strategic planning throughout and post lockdown in English secondary schools
Exploring how school leaders strategically manage and plan for online provision of learning through the pandemic restrictions and beyond.
UKRI Policy Fellowship
Dr Natthapoj Vincent Trakulphadetkrai (University of Reading) has been awarded an ESRC-funded UKRI Policy Fellowship.
Subject Choice, Attainment and Representation in (SCARI) Computing project
Determining the factors that relate to better uptake and attainment in computing amongst students from all backgrounds in English secondary schools.
Need For Gender-based Approaches and Early Intervention and Prevention of Poly-victimisation of Girls in Youth Justice and Women in Prison
A recent surge in the number of girls being arrested has highlighted the need to re-evaluate our models for youth justice system involvement, specifically considering gender differences.
Exploring academic leadership development in Qatar
Addressing the gap in research on leadership development in higher education, especially in Arabic-speaking regions, by investigating academic middle leaders’ experiences in Qatar.
Creative Multilingualism: Linguistic Creativity in Language Learning
Exploring how different kinds of texts (poems, newspaper articles) have differing effects on foreign language learning in secondary schools.
Inclusive institutions: enabling and supporting culture change
Promoting inclusion and diversity and support success for underrepresented students in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM).
Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) Employer Engagement Research
Investigating the perceived skills that employers think are essential for workers to have gained through further education, training, and prior experience for employment.