Date: 20th February 2020
Location: Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB
Thank you for attending the Landwise 2nd Annual Event 2020.
Links to the presentations and posters presented at the event are detailed below.
Morning session 1: Using local knowledge for NFM
Prof Joanna Clark (UoR), Welcome and overview of Landwise project
Dr Angie Elwin (UoR), Creating NFM scenarios through participatory workshops
Chris Short (UoG), Farmer knowledge to inform NFM
Morning session 2: Using technical knowledge for NFM
James Blake (CEH), Preliminary results from the broad scale survey
David Macdonald (BGS), Modelling NFM in catchments
Will Maslanka (UoR), Using remote sensing data from satellites and field work to inform NFM
Afternoon session: NFM delivery and new Environmental Land Management Schemes
Joanne Leigh (FWAG), Local Delivery and new ELM Pilot in the Upper Thames
Posters from the Landwise team and partners.
WP2 Field Data – James Blake et al. – WP2: Field Data Collection
WP4 Modelling – David Macdonald et al. – Groundwater Flooding in the Pang Catchment
WP4 Modelling – Steve Rose, et al. – NFM modelling in the Bourne catchment