03 - 07 July 2023
University of Reading, UK
Celebrating 10 years of the Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project and looking to the future.
Sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction–2 weeks to a season ahead–is increasingly filling the gap between weather and seasonal climate forecasts, helping provide early warnings of high-impact events such as tropical cyclones, floods, droughts, heat, cold waves and their compound impacts on society. As the S2S forecast skill continues to improve through a better understanding of physical mechanisms involved, model advances and statistical calibration of model forecast outputs, more products are becoming available for decision makers to advance applications and services.
The Summit will celebrate the success of the WWRP/WCRP S2S Prediction Project over 10 years as it moves towards its completion in December 2023. The event welcomes contributions on all aspects of S2S science, including:
- physical mechanisms leading to predictability on sub-seasonal timescales,
- model evaluation and diagnostics,
- predictability and prediction studies,
- extreme events,
- traditional Model Output Statistics (calibration, verification) as well novel approaches such as, Machine Learning.
- Examples and best practices of development, application, value and communication of S2S products.
Contributions making use of both the S2S and SubX databases are encouraged as these are complementary data sources for advancing sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction research. Forecasting of sub-seasonal weather statistics within the first season, including high impact weather and monsoon onset/cessation dates are also welcome.
Upcoming dates
- Online-only Registration Closes: 26 June 2023
Past dates
- In-person Registration Closes: 2 June 2023
- Early Bird Registration Closes: 19 May 2023
- Registration Opens: March 2023
- Abstract Acceptance Notification: 28 February 2023
- Abstract Submission Opens: 22 November 2022
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 25 January 2023