Info for Presenters

Oral presentations

In order to help the sessions run smoothly during the S2S Summit, we politely request that you upload your presentation slides for your oral presentation in advance of your session, by Thursday 29th June 2023.

The presentation computer used for the Summit (including the online streaming) will run a Windows operating system with PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. The accepted file formats include: .ppt/.pptx/.pptm/.pps/.ppsx/.ppsm and .pdf. To further aid organisation, please name your file in the following format: Day_SessionNumber_FirstName_LastName.FileFormat for example Monday_P1_Robert_Lee.pptx

Please either upload your talk to your session’s designated Google Drive directory (you will have been emailed), or email the local organising committee email address with a link to your presentation for us to download your slides (e.g. from cloud storage).

Poster presentations

The poster boards are sized 1m x 1m (39 ³/₈ inches x 39 ³/₈ inches). We request that your posters are not wider than this, although it is permissible for them to be taller (posters can hang down beyond the board). Accordingly, examples of poster sizes include: A1 landscape; A1 portrait; and A0 portrait (this will hang down beyond the board). A0 landscape would be considered too wide to fit the poster boards, however. Pins will be provided to affix your poster to the board, but Velcro sticky pads could also be used.

Posters are allocated to two-day session blocks: Monday-Tuesday (Block A), and Wednesday-Thursday (Block B). We request that posters in Block A are put up on Monday either during registration or the morning coffee session, and taken down on Tuesday afternoon either during the afternoon coffee session or after the last session of the day. Poster in Block B should be put up on Wednesday morning, either before the first session or during the morning coffee session and taken down on Thursday afternoon either during the afternoon coffee session or after the last session of the day.

Posters in a Block are then split further to be presented on one of the two days in the Block, during the early afternoon poster sessions.

Posters left on boards beyond the assigned Blocks will be removed by organizers and can be claimed by the end of meeting on Friday. Posters that remain unclaimed beyond the end of the meeting on Friday will be disposed of (recycled if possible).

Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct [pdf] for guidance and legal obligations relating to presenting at the University of Reading.