Abstract 084

Abstract ID: 084

Towards consistent representation of the boundary forcing temporal variability in S2S reforecasts and real-time forecasts

Lead Author: Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda
ECMWF, United Kingdom

Keywords: reforecasts, low frequency modulations, aerosols, land

Abstract: The low frequency temporal variability of boundary forcings arising from land properties and atmospheric composition can affect the large scale atmospheric circulation, its predictability, as well as the regional characteristics of extreme events. Here we present developments carried out under the EU H2020 CONFESS project, which aims at the CONsistent representation of temporal variations in boundary Forcings in reanalysES and Seasonal forecasts. CONFESS has focused on the production of multi-year temporal homogenous observational data records of Land Cover, Land Use, Leaf Area Index and Tropospheric Aerosols by exploiting latest developments across the different Copernicus Services. These data sets have been integrated in several S2S systems, and their impact on the re-forecasts has been evaluated. Other developments in CONFESS targeting the inclusion of additional prognostics elements in the Earth System Models used for S2S – such as vegetation, fires and volcanic plumes- will be briefly summarized.

Andrea Alessandri, CNR-ISAC
Constantin Ardilouze, Meteo-France
Gianpaolo Balsamo, ECMWF
Lauriane Batte, Meteo-France
Angela Benedeti, ECMWF
Roberto Bilbao, BSC
Souhail Boussetta, ECMWF
Gildas Dayon, Meteo-France
Fansje van Oorschot, CNR-ISAC
Pablo Ortega, BSC
Retish Senan, ECMWF
Tim Stockdale, ECMWF
Etienne Tourigny, BSC
Frederic Vitart, ECMWF
Tanya Warnaars, ECMWF