Abstract 174

Abstract ID: 174

Application of real time S2S forecasts over Eastern Africa in the co-production of climate services

Lead Author: Masilin Gudoshava
IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre, Kenya

Keywords: Real time S2S, Testbed, Co-production, Climate Services, Eastern Africa

Abstract: A significant proportion of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa are vulnerable to extreme climatic conditions, hence there is a high demand for climate information. In response to this need, the Global Challenges Research Fund African Science for Weather Information and Forecasting Techniques undertook a three-year testbed to co-produce tailored forecasts for different sectors using the sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast datasets from the sub-seasonal to seasonal Real Time Pilot Initiative project. Sub-seasonal forecasts are essential for early warning and informed decision-making in the agriculture and food security sector. This study highlights the value of effective communication as well as the lessons learned and challenges faced in the co-production process of climate services between the Food Security and Nutrition Working Group for Eastern and Central Africa and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Applications Centre. Skilful and timely climate information and services co-produced has the potential to increase the uptake, ownership, and appropriate use of sub-seasonal forecasts for resilience building in Eastern Africa.

Maureen Wanzala, United Nations World Food Programme
Elisabeth Thompson, UK Met Office
Jasper Mwesigwa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Hussen Seid Endris, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Zewdu Segele, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Linda Hirons, University of Reading
Oliver Kipkogei, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Charity Mumbua, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Wawira Njoka, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Marta Baraibar, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Felipe de Andrade, University of Reading
Steve Woolnough, University of Reading
Zachary Atheru, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre
Guleid Artan, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre