Professor Emily Black
Emily heads the TAMSAT group at the University of Reading. She is widely involved in the development of TAMSAT products and in their application in the management of weather-related risk. She has particular interests in the hydrological cycle, in land-atmosphere interactions and in African climate and rainfall monitoring. Emily focuses on user-driven science and knowledge exchange. URL: |
Professor Tristan Quaife
The focus of Tristan’s work is on the use of satellite data to constrain and evaluate land surface models, primarily for the terrestrial carbon cycle. In TAMSAT he works on the production of soil moisture estimates from TAMSAT rainfall data. He is an Investigator in the UK National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) where he leads on work looking at soil moisture in Africa. URL: |
Dr Ross Maidment |
Ross is TAMSAT’s operational lead and is responsible for managing the TAMSAT operational rainfall and soil moisture estimation systems. Alongside operations, Ross’ primary research interests include understanding recent climate variability and change across Africa and the development and application of Earth observation data to support climate services within the agricultural and financial sectors in developing countries. Ross has recently been awarded a NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship to support Africa’s finance sector build their capacity to exploit soil moisture data for improving financial tools. |
Dr Vicky Boult |
Vicky is interested in the application of TAMSAT-ALERT forecasts to support anticipatory drought risk management in Africa’s agricultural and humanitarian sectors. To do so, Vicky works closely with key actors in drought risk management. Notably, she is currently supporting the Kenyan Red Cross and National Drought Management Authority in developing and evaluating TAMSAT-ALERT triggers for early action. Vicky also leads regular capacity building activities and has developed an online training course on TAMSAT-ALERT. |
TAMSAT Collaborators
Dr Caroline Wainwright |
Caroline’s research is around climate variability and change over Africa. She is particularly interesting in exploring variability and changes in the seasonal cycle of rainfall over Africa, including recent trends, current variability, and future projected changes. She has worked on methodologies for characterising the seasonal cycle of precipitation across Africa and the tropics, and used these methodologies for a range of applications. Recently, she has also started working more in areas relating to the impacts of climate variability over Africa, particularly working in the areas of renewable energy generation and health. She is currently involved with a project looking at the impact of climate on migration in Madagascar. |
Dr Helen Greatrex |
Helen is an assistant professor in Remote Sensing and Geospatial analysis, co-hired between the departments of Geography and Statistics. She is also a co-hire of Penn State’s Institute for Computational and Data Sciences. Helen’s research focuses on how rainfall is measured and used for decision-making—moving from hazard, through exposure and vulnerability to impact. She uses a variety of tools to explore this topic, from the geostatistical analysis of satellite rainfall estimates, to mixed methods research on weather impacts. |
Sebastian Bubmann |
Through his work in water related projects in developing countries, Sebastian has used TAMSAT and other gridded precipitation products extensively. He has routinely validated these datasets against ground-based observations using customized Python scripts. As scientific programmer and research assistant Sebastian now supports the TAMSAT program in parallel to his work as climatologist and GIS expert at HAEDES Belgium. Sebastian holds a MSc in Climate Physics and his main research interests are the practical application of earth observation data in data scarce areas. |